Ferntree Gully Community Bank Grant Award
We were recently successful in receiving a grant for the amount of $3,080 to replace all the ageing orange rink pegs (that have seen better days).
We wanted to take the time to thank not only the grant application team and the committee but every volunteer we have.
Your work is highly valued & we thank you!
And thank you to the customers of Bendigo Bank Ferntree Gully who by simply banking with the community group have made this happen.
Knox Community Banking Group has given back now over $4.2 million straight into the community through organisations like ours.
There are two main reasons that Bendigo Bank is the better big bank in our opinion:
- When you choose to be a customer of the Community Bank Ferntree Gully branch, you benefit your community. Every day their customers help change and save lives, simply by banking with them. Community banking is based on a ‘profit-with-purpose’ model, which means the profits are returned directly to the community that has generated them, just like to our club.
- Personal service. They are open Monday to Friday from 9.30am – 5pm, Saturday 9.00am – 12pm. They can come to you, or everything can be done over the phone or online!
For those of you that use Facebook, please visit the Knox Community Bank Group page at: Community Bank Knox Group | Facebook & like/follow their page so we can show our support.
And if you want to talk banking, you can call Tina Doran on 0419 586 446 or email her at tina.doran@bendigoadelaide.com.au
Please remember to mention Boronia Bowls Club at any appointment you have in branch.